Key Dates

Study Term, Census, and Academic Penalty Dates

Sydney College of Divinity undergraduate and postgraduate awards are delivered by our teaching institutions. As each college is unique, its delivery models vary including the number of study terms and key dates.

A census date is the final date for FEE-HELP applications, and withdrawals and variations without penalty. Census dates for intensive and extensive units may differ from the standard census dates. You are advised to contact the Registrar at your college for the latest academic timetable and all relevant information.

Orientation Dates

The orientation process provides key information to new students ahead of their studies, both in written form for immediate and ongoing reference and forums where students meet with staff to receive information, ask questions, clarify uncertainties, and discuss concerns. Orientation information is provided at all of our colleges in line with the Sydney College of Divinity policy and the current Higher Education Standards. Where there are international students, the information provided will also meet the requirements of the current National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students.

All new and returning students (international and domestic) should attend orientation at the beginning of every teaching period (semester or trimester), ahead of the first class, whether the delivery of teaching is face-to-face or online.


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