The Master of Theological Studies requires the completion of 72 credit points (8units) from 8100 and 9200 series units from the University College Schedule of Units of Study coded within the 8100 and 9200 series.
The 72 credit points (eight units) will include 36 credit points (4 units) from the discipline of Biblical Studies and the subdiscipline of Systematic Theology.
The course may include a specialisation which comprises 54 credit points in either Biblical Studies or Systematic Theology with at least two 9200-series units. The Grad Cert entry award can be used towards the 54 credit points required.
Units coded “A” are not counted towards a concentration in any discipline or subdiscipline.
The course will include a Generic (Research) unit and / or a Capstone unit and / in either the discipline of Biblical Studies or the subdiscipline of Systematic Theology as found in the University College Schedule of Units of Study.
A candidate may take a maximum of 36 credit points in units listed as Generic (Research) units in the Schedule of Units of Study with a maximum of 18 credit points in Independent Guided Study units, 18 credit points in Research Project units, and 18 credit points as a Research Essay.
A candidate may include 18 credit points in the Research Essay (10,000- 12,000 words in length and written in the area of specialisation under supervision) \ providing the candidate completes a 8100 Research Methodology unit (9 credit points) before or concurrently with the Research Project.
Candidates wishing to proceed to the degree of Master of Philosophy must include one 18 credit point research unit at Distinction level.