Lionel Windsor

Moore Theological College

“As many as will conform to this rule” (Galatians 6:16): Table fellowship, hospitality, and the occasion of Galatians.

Paul’s letter to the Galatians is occasioned by the presence of “agitators” (1:7) who are causing the gentile Galatians to desire Jewish circumcision (cf. 5:2–3). But how, exactly, are they doing this? The debate often focuses on the identity of the agitators and the theological content of their teaching. However, less consideration has been given to the agitators’ concrete activities. This paper seeks to bring first-century Jewish concerns about accommodation in table fellowship and broader concerns about hospitality for travelling teachers among associations to bear on the occasion of Galatians. Following a survey of first-century rules of association and concerns for hospitality for travelling teachers, the paper will examine the overall argument of Galatians, highlighting the significance of these issues in key passages (esp. 2:11–14; 4:12–20; 6:6). Particular attention will be paid to the conclusion (Gal 6:11–16), where Paul returns to the concerns of 1:6–10 and seeks to equip the Galatians to discriminate among different kinds of teachers. Against prevailing yet underexplored assumptions about the meaning of the phrase “as many as will conform to this rule” (6:16a), the “rule” concerning circumcision given in 6:15 will be understood as a principle to enable Paul’s gentile addressees to determine whether to greet or reject any present or future individuals purporting to be teachers. It does not function simply as a doctrinal statement; it is, more concretely, a rule of association in table fellowship. Paul is stating that “as many” teachers who conform to this rule of association (like himself) should be greeted with “peace” (6:16a), in explicit contrast with “as many” teachers who do not (6:12–13). Implications will be drawn for understanding the occasion of Galatians, including a plausibly coherent reading of “mercy also upon the Israel of God” which follows the rule (6:16b).