The Centre for Gospels and Acts Research

The Sydney College of Divinity Centre for Gospels and Acts Research (CGAR) promotes research into the four Gospels and, the connections with Luke and the Book of Acts. It seeks to foster better understanding of these foundational documents of historical Christianity, and encourages research from a variety of methodological perspectives, including historical, archaeological, theological, exegetical, literary, sociological, feminist, and text-critical approaches. A key part of the Centre’s work is the publication of its journal, JGAR, the Journal of Gospels and Act Research, by SCD Press.

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Payment of Membership fee
A Membership fee is for a calendar year (January to December) and is paid in full. There are no pro rata arrangements. Credit Card payments, can be processed by selecting the appropriate dollar amount from the ‘Subscribe’ links below. For alternative payment methods, further information can be found within the application.

Completing your Membership application
To complete your application, please complete the form via the ‘Apply Now’ button below.


Further Information
For further information regards Membership Payments, please email our Accounts Department via [email protected] .