CGAR Conference 2025

Rebuilding the Fallen Tent? Re-discovering Ancient Tools for Hearing the Gospels and Acts

About this event

In reading any text, there is reading done badly and reading done well. Exploring methods for reading has been part of the staple diet of Gospels and Acts research for centuries, and new methods continue to emerge in this ever-evolving field of inquiry. Good research always takes the time to stop and reflect upon what has been as it seeks to open up what will be. This conference provides this kind of reflective ‘pause’, in order to ensure our reading of these significant ancient texts might be ‘for better’ rather than ‘for worse’.

Call for Papers

The Sydney College of Divinity invites scholars, doctoral candidates, and others working in the theological and wider academic community to propose a paper for the SCD 2025 Centre for Gospels and Acts Research Conference by 31 December, 2024.

Proposal submissions can be made here:

Acceptance of papers will be communicated as proposals are received.

Presentations will be 20 minutes, with an additional 5–10 minutes for questions & interaction. A selection of papers from the conference will be subsequently published after peer review as the next volume in the SCD Press Centre for Gospels and Acts Research series.

Presenters will need to register for the conference. Registration costs, including conference dinner, accommodation options, and transport details, are available through the SCD Events website.

Guidelines for Paper Proposals

The title of the proposed presentation, with an abstract of 250–300 words, should be submitted by 31 December, 2024.

The title of the paper and its abstract must articulate clearly the line of argument that the paper will take, indicating its contribution to research or scholarship in the chosen area.


Further enquiries should be directed to Prof Peter Bolt: [email protected] or 02 9889 1969.

Keynote Speakers:

James R. Harrison (BA, MA, PhD, FAHA)

“We have seen his glory” (John 1:14a): The Incarnation in Jewish and Ephesian Perspective

/ “Full of grace and truth” (John 1:14b): The Incarnation in Jewish and Ephesian Perspective


James R. Harrison was Professor of Biblical Studies and the Research Director at the Sydney College of Divinity, Australia, from 2013 to 2023. He is now Distinguished Professor at the Sydney College of Divinity. With research interests in the Graeco-Roman world, Second Temple Judaism, the biblical cities and their relevance for New Testament interpretation, Jim has published four monographs, edited 19 books (4 more forthcoming 2024), and published over 90 articles and book chapters with international presses. He is the Chief Editor of New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity Vols 11-17 (SBL Press). Each New Docs volume consists of 2 books and volume 11 on Ephesus is currently in press. Last, he is co-editor, with L. L. Welborn, of The First Urban Churches Vols 1-9 (SBL Press: Vols 1-7: 2015-2022; Vols 8-9, forthcoming 2024 – 2025).



Kylie Crabbe (BA, BTheol, AdvDipMin, MTheol, DPhil (Oxon.)

Tools and trends in reading Luke and Acts 1: Literary genre and its limitations

/ Tools and trends in reading Luke and Acts 2: Disability frameworks and impairment in antiquity


Kylie Crabbe is Associate Professor of Biblical and Early Christian Studies in the Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry, Associate Teacher at Pilgrim Theological College, and Minister of the Word in the Uniting Church. Kylie has published and taught widely in New Testament studies and Second Temple Judaism. Her publications include her 2019 monograph Luke/Acts and the End of History. She has particular interests in understandings of time, hope, and eschatology in antiquity, emotions in historical work, and disability and intersectionality in biblical studies and ancient and contemporary settings. She holds a current Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) from the Australian Research Council (2022-2025) for her project Inside Others: Early Christian Protagonists and Their Impairments’ (DE220101054).


Parallel Speakers:

The full program will be available prior to conference. Please check back closer to the date.

The full program will be available prior to conference. Please check back closer to the date.


    • Full conference registration (face to face 2 days) – $340.00 AUD

    • Live steam (non-interactive live stream of session in main conference room only 2 days) – $150.00 AUD

Face to face conference fees include morning tea and lunch. Tickets to the Conference Dinner on night 1 can be purchased for $75.00 AUD.

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