Undergraduate Certificate in Theology

About this course

The Undergraduate Certificate in Theology is a higher education qualification at AQF level 5-7. It qualifies students with foundational knowledge and skills in Christian theology, equipping them for further study, professional upskilling, ministry practice, or lifelong learning. 

This award is not currently accepting any new intakes.

Course Details

Admission to the Undergraduate Certificate in Theology requires:

  •  An Australian Tertiary Admission Rand (ATAR) of 65 or its equivalent (e.g. OP≤16; OR
  • Satisfactorily completed Year 12 in the Australian school system, or its equivalent; OR
  • Mature Age and Special Entry Admissions for those who have reached the age of 21, with evidence of capacity for successful study at this level AND
  • Satisfactorily completes a pre-enrolment interview with a relevant course advisor.


English Proficiency

Applicants whose entry qualifications were obtained in an institution where English is not the language of instruction normally require a minimum IELTS (or equivalent) score of 6.0 in all bands of the test with no score less than 5.5 in all bands of the test. 

The Undergraduate Certificate in Theology requires the completion of 36 credit points (four 9-credit point units) which shall include:


  • 9 credit points in Biblical Studies;
  • 9 credit points in Systematic Theology;
  • 18 credit points in elective units.


All units are taken from the Schedule of units for the award below.



The list of approved units for the Undergraduate Certificate in Theology:


A. Choose ONE unit from:

    • B7101 Introduction to Biblical Studies
    • B7110 Introduction to the Old Testament
    • B7150 Introduction to the New Testament


B. Choose ONE unit from:

    • T7101 Introduction to Theology
    • T7105 Introduction to Christian Doctrines


C. Choose TWO units from:

    • B7110 Introduction to Old Testament (except if B7110 taken in section A)
    • B7150 Introduction to New Testament (except if B7110 taken in section A)
    • E7100 Sources and Principles of Christian Ethics
    • H7101 Introduction to Church History
    • H7110 History of the Early Church
    • L7101 Introduction to Christian Worship
    • P7101 Introduction to Pastoral Theology and Ministry
    • S7101 Formation in Spiritual Living
    • S7102 Introduction to Christian Spirituality
    • T7101 Introduction to Theology
    • T7105 Introduction to Christian Doctrines
    • W7110 Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
    • W7112 Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy

Graduates will have:

  • Introductory biblical and theological knowledge which will serve as a basis for further learning skills.



Graduates will have cognitive, communication, and technical skills, so that they are able to: 

  • identify, analyse, and act on information from a range of foundational sources; express ideas and perspectives related to Christian faith.


Applications of Knowledge and Skills

Graduates will have the ability to:

  • demonstrate an understanding of theological knowledge by applying it in Christian ministry;
  • apply appropriate methodology when addressing broader issues in the Church;
  • demonstrate theological literacy for addressing questions of faith. 

Candidates from other institutions or with other awards may seek credit up to a maximum of 18 credit points in the Undergraduate Certificate in Theology.


Credit will be granted for units that are from an equivalent award or institution and have outcomes, content, demand hours, and assessment equivalent to that of units in the Undergraduate Certificate in Theology.


Progress to Further Awards

All units satisfactorily completed in the Undergraduate Certificate in Theology may be credited towards an University College Diploma, Associate Degree or Bachelor award, on condition that a completed Undergraduate Certificate in Theology will be surrendered prior to graduation in that award.


This award is not approved for CRICOS study.

The Undergraduate Certificate in Theology is offered through the individual colleges and an application for enrolment must be made to the Registrar of the teaching institution. The registrar will be able to help you with any information regarding your study, including fees, units, mode of delivery and timetable.


A student is designated as full-time if enrolled in three units (27 credit points) or more in a semester or the equivalent in a trimester. Sydney College of Divinity offers a wide range of units and students have the option to study one or more units across the colleges delivering Sydney College of Divinity awards, whilst enrolled with one college.


If you have any questions email us at scd@scd.edu.au