The Master of Counselling requires the completion of 108 credit points (12 units). Where an applicant enters the award under provision 1.1.1 or 1.1.2, the twelve units shall include:
Six compulsory units (54 credit points) unless provision 2.2 applies.
- C8101 Human Development and Counselling
- C8145 Pastoral Counselling: Grief, Loss, and Trauma
- C9222 Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) and Positive Psychology (PP)
- C9223 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
- C9229 Ethical Professional Issues in Pastoral Counselling
- C9242 Advanced Counselling Practicum
Six units selected from the approved list of units in the Schedule below.
Where a student wishes to pursue further higher degree research, then it is recommended that 27 credit points of the units taken above include C8190 Research Methodology (9 credit points) and C9298 Research Essay (18 credit points).
Where an applicant enters the award under provisions 1.1.3 or 1.1.5, the twelve units shall include:
Twelve compulsory units (108 credit points) unless provision 2.4 applies.
First, the units required for the Graduate Certificate in Counselling must be successfully completed:
- C8100 Introduction to Counselling Skills
- C8105 Counselling Theories and Practice
- C8106 Fundamentals of Psychology
And one unit from:
- C8101 Human Development and Counselling; OR
- C8143 Addictions Counselling; OR
- C8154 Relationship Counselling
Then the remainder from the following units:
- C8101 Human Development and Counselling
- C8143 Addictions Counselling
- C8145 Pastoral Counselling: Grief, Loss and Trauma
- C8154 Relationship Counselling
- C9222 Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) and Positive Psychology (PP)
- C9223 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
- C9225 Counselling for Mental Health and Wellness
- C9229 Ethical Professional Issues in Pastoral Counselling
- C9242 Advanced Counselling Practicum
Where an applicant enters the award under provision 1.1.4, the unit shall include five compulsory units (45 credit points) unless provision 2.4 applies.
- C8101 Human Development and Counselling
- C9222 Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) and Positive Psychology (PP), OR
- C9260 Narrative Therapy, Trauma and Growth
- C9223 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
- C9229 Ethical and Professional Issues in Pastoral Counselling
- C9242 Advanced Counselling Practicum
One Elective unit (9 credit points) drawn from the list of Level 9 units in the Schedule below.
Where a student may have already completed a compulsory unit (or its equivalent) in another award, then it is to be replaced by a unit from the list in the Schedule below.
- C8100 Introduction to Counselling Skills
- C8101 Human Development and Counselling
- C8102 Pastoral Counselling in Ministry
- C8103 Psychology and Leadership
- C8105 Counselling Theory and Practice
- C8106 Fundamentals of Psychology
- C8121 Group Processes
- C8136 Pastoral Counselling: Marriage and Family
- C8143 Addictions Counselling
- C8145 Pastoral Counselling: Grief, Loss and Trauma
- C8150 Child and Adolescent Counselling
- C8153 Human Sexuality in the Helping Professions
- C8154 Relationship Counselling
- C8156 Family Counselling
- C8166 Wellbeing and Resilience for People Helpers
- C8170 Fundamental Principles of Pastoral Supervision
- C9222 Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) and Positive Psychology (PP)
- C9223 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
- C9225 Counselling for Mental Health and Wellness
- C9229 Ethical and Professional Issues in Pastoral Counselling
- C9242 Advanced Counselling Practicum
- C9260 Narrative Therapy, Trauma and Growth
- B9209 Trauma Hermeneutics
- P9224 Working and Caring in Mental Health
- P9225 Spiritual Care in Cases of Grief and Loss
- P8175 Professional Supervision Practicum
- T8147 Suffering and Hope: Theological Reflections
- X8190 Research Methodology
- X9298 Research Essay (18 credit points)