Graduate Diploma of Counselling

CRICOS 114820E

About this course

The Graduate Diploma of Counselling is designed for those who hold an AQF Level 7 or above qualification in any discipline who wish to pursue a graduate qualification in counselling to enhance their professional work. Graduates will be equipped with advanced theoretical knowledge and practice-based counselling skills.

Course Details

Admission to the Graduate Diploma of Counselling requires:

  • An AQF 7 Bachelor Degree in any discipline; OR
  • A postgraduate qualification (AQF 8 or above) in counselling; OR
  • Qualification for professional entry on the basis of work, life and ministry experience; AND
  • Demonstrate a suitable degree of mature life experience, including self-awareness, a capacity to relate to others and an understanding of ethical behaviour.
  • Admission also requires a selection interview with a designated coursework coordinator. At the interview the applicant will be required to demonstrate a suitable degree of mature life experience.


English Proficiency

Applicants whose entry qualifications were obtained in a institution where English is not the language of instruction normally require a minimum IELTS (or equivalent) score of 7.0 with no score below 6.5 in all bands of the test.

The Graduate Diploma of Counselling requires the completion of 72 credit points (8 units).


Where an applicant enters the award under provision 1.1.1 or 1.1.2, the eight units shall include:


Four compulsory units (36 credit points) unless provision 2.2 applies

  • C8101 Human Development and Counselling
  • C8145 Pastoral Counselling: Grief, Loss and Trauma
  • C9222 Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) and Positive Psychology (PP)
  • C9229 Ethical Professional Issues in Pastoral Counselling


Four elective units (36 credit points) taken from the Schedule below.


Where an applicant enters the award under provision 1.13 or 1.1.4, the eight units shall include:


Eight compulsory units (72 credit points) unless provision 2.2 applies

  • C8100 Introduction to Counselling Skills
  • C8101 Human Development and Counselling
  • C8105 Counselling Theory and Practice
  • C8106 Fundamentals of Psychology
  • C8143 Addictions Counselling
  • C8145 Pastoral Counselling: Grief, Loss and Trauma
  • C9225 Counselling for Mental Health and Wholeness
  • C9229 Ethical Professional Issues in Pastoral Counselling


Where a student may have already completed a compulsory unit (or its equivalent) in another award, then it is to be replaced by a unit from the list in the Schedule below.



  • C8100 Introduction to Counselling Skills
  • C8101 Human Development and Counselling
  • C8105 Counselling Theories and Practice
  • C8106 Fundamentals of Psychology
  • C8145 Pastoral Counselling: Grief, Loss and Trauma
  • C8150 Child and Adolescent Counselling
  • C8154 Relationship Counselling
  • C8156 Family Counselling
  • C8166 Wellbeing and Resilience for People Helpers
  • C8170 Fundamental Principles of Pastoral Supervision
  • C8143 Addictions Counselling
  • C9222 Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) and Positive Psychology (PP)
  • C9223 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
  • C9225 Counselling for Mental Health and Wellness
  • C9260 Narrative Therapy, Trauma and Growth
  • B9209 Trauma Hermeneutics
  • P9224 Working and Caring in Mental Health
  • P9225 Spiritual Care in Cases of Grief and Loss

Graduates will possess: 

  • specialised theoretical and technical knowledge related to the practice of counselling which is transferrable to a variety of complex client contexts;
  • an advanced understanding of the principles of inquiry and methods applicable to counselling theory and their application to real-world counselling practice.



Graduates will demonstrate specialised cognitive and technical skills in counselling, so that they are able independently to:

  • review and synthesise counselling information and identify and reflect, and act on complex client contexts;
  • think critically and evaluate complex ideas related to the care of clients;
  • demonstrate an understanding of theoretical concepts in the PastoralCounselling sub-discipline;
  • transmit counselling knowledge, skills and ideas to a variety of audiences.


Applications of Knowledge and Skills

Graduates will possess the ability to: 

  • make high level, independent judgments related to a range of issues pertaining to counselling theory and practice.


Exit Points

Students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma of Counselling may exit with the Graduate Certificate of Counselling provided they have met the requirements of the award.

A candidate may seek credit up to a maximum of 36 credit points in the Graduate Diploma of Counselling. 


Specific credit may be granted for units deemed to be equivalent by the Student Support and Administration Committee. Application for non-specific credit may be considered for elective (non-compulsory) units only. 


Credit for Recognised Prior Learning may be granted subject to a successful application.


Progress to Further Awards

Students who complete the Graduate Diploma of Counselling may articulate into the Master of Counselling award of the Sydney College of Divinity.

The Graduate Diploma of Counselling is offered through the individual colleges and an application for enrolment must be made to the Registrar of the teaching institution. The registrar will be able to help you with all information regarding your study, including fees, units, mode of delivery, and timetable.


A domestic student at Sydney College of Divinity is designated as full-time if enrolled in three units (27 credit points) or more in a semester or part-time if enrolled in less than three units (27 credit points) per semester. SCD offers a wide range of units and students have the option to study one or more units across the colleges delivering SCD awards, whilst enrolled with one college.


International students

International students are subject to the conditions of their Australian student visa and are required to maintain a full-time enrolment of four units (36 credit points) per semester. If you are planning to enrol as an international student, you have the responsibility to ensure that you comply with your visa conditions at all times. Learn more about your responsibilities, rights, and what studying in Australia can offer you. Not all our teaching institutions offer study programs for international students.


Check out the locations and courses offered to international students, and for more information email us at