Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Theology

About this course

The Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Theology qualifies individuals who apply a body of knowledge in Leadership and Theology in a range of contexts to undertake professional or highly skilled work and as a pathway for further learning.

This award is not approved for CRICOS study.

Course Details

Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Theology requires:

  • Satisfactory completion of an AQF Level 7 undergraduate degree in any discipline; AND
  • Satisfactorily complete a pre-enrolment interview with a relevant course advisor
  • Desirable but not mandatory – at least two years’ experience in a leadership role in an area aligned with the course’s focus, for example: church leadership, educational leadership within a religious school, ministry, and social services provided by a religious organisation.


English Proficiency

Applicants whose entry qualifications were obtained in an institution where English is not the language of instruction normally require a minimum IELTS (or equivalent) score of at least 7.0 with no subtest below 6.5.

The Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Theology requires the completion of 36 credit points (4 units) which shall include three compulsory units (27 credit points) and one core unit (9 credit points):


Three Compulsory units (27 credit points)

  • M8161 – Leadership: Mission, Identity and Community
  • P8155 – Foundations of Christian Leadership
  • T8106 – Foundations for Theological Studies


One Core Unit (9 credit points), chosen from:

  • B8101 Introduction to Biblical Studies
  • D9240 Leadership and Religious Education
  • L8101 Introduction to Christian Worship
  • P8169 Introduction to Canon Law and General Norms
  • P9236 Theology and Practice of Social Justice
  • P9263 Leading Self, Leading Others
  • P9265 The Leader as Explorer, Guide and Meaning Maker
  • S9246 Stirring the Soul: Formation of Catholic Educators and
  • Leaders S9247 The Foundations of Lasallian Ministry
  • S9248 The Practice of Lasallian Ministry
  • S9276 The Spirituality of Mary MacKillop


Schedule A:

  • M9228 Living as Christians on Indigenous Land
  • P9236 Theology and Practice of Social Justice
  • S9246 Stirring the Soul: Formation of Catholic Educators and Leaders
  • T9210 Christology and Soteriology
  • T9218 Church: The Living Community of Faith

Graduates will have:

  • specialised knowledge within a systematic and coherent body of knowledge that may include the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills inLeadership and Theology.



Graduates will have:

  • cognitive skills to review, analyse, consolidate and synthesise knowledge and identify and provide solutions to complex problems;
  • cognitive skills to think critically and to generate and evaluate complex ideas;
  • specialised technical and creative skills in Leadership and Theology;
  • communication skills to demonstrate an understanding of theoretical concepts in Leadership and Theology;
  • communication skills to transfer complex knowledge and ideas to a variety of audiences.


Applications of Knowledge and Skills

Graduates will have the ability to:

  • make high level, independent judgements in a range of technical or management functions in varied specialised contexts;
  • initiate, plan, implement and evaluate broad functions within varied specialised technical and/or creative contexts;
  • with responsibility and accountability for personal outputs and all aspects of the work or function of others within broad parameters.

A candidate may seek credit up to a maximum of 18 credit points in the Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Theology.


No credit points will be awarded for Recognition of Prior Learning within the Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Theology.


Progress to Further Awards

The Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Theology articulates with the Graduate Diploma of Leadership and Theology, which articulates with the Master of Leadership and Theology. Credit will be given within the higher award for all units completed within the lower award.

This award is not approved for CRICOS study.
The Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Theology is offered through the individual colleges and an application for enrolment must be made to the Registrar of the teaching institution. The registrar will be able to help you with any information regarding your study, including fees, units, mode of delivery and timetable.


A student is designated as full-time if enrolled in three units (27 credit points) or more in a semester or the equivalent in a trimester. Sydney College of Divinity offers a wide range of units and students have the option to study one or more units across the colleges delivering Sydney College of Divinity awards, whilst enrolled with one college.


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