Associate Degree of Counselling

CRICOS 114817M

About this course

The Associate Degree of Counselling prepares students to work in a multi-disciplinary environment and significantly enhances their counselling, professional and spiritual foundations. Students form a vision of the counsellor that reflects both individual and relational work, supportive and intensive therapies, psychological competence and theological congruence. The course requires a consistent commitment to supervision and personal and professional integration.

Course Details

Admission to the Associate Degree of Counselling requires:

  • An Australian Tertiary Admission Rand (ATAR) of 65, or its equivalent (e.g. OP≤16); OR
  • Satisfactorily completed an AQF 5 Diploma of Counselling (or equivalent) from an institution recognised by the Academic Board; (or equivalent) from an institution recognised by the Academic Board; AND
  • Satisfactorily completes a pre-enrolment interview with a relevant course advisor. 


English Proficiency

Applicants whose entry qualifications were obtained in an institution where English is not the language of instruction normally require a minimum IELTS (or equivalent) score of 6.0 with no score less than 5.5 in all bands of the test.

The Associate Degree of Counselling requires the completion of 72 credit points (8 units) which will include:


  • Five units (45 credit points) from the field of Counselling within the discipline of Christian Life and Ministry
  • at least 9 credit points in the discipline of Biblical Studies OR the sub- discipline of Pastoral Theology
  • a further 18 credit points (two units) from the Sydney College of Divinity list of approved units.


All course units will be taken from the Sydney College of Divinity Schedule of units of study coded within the 6100 series and above.


Graduates will have: 

  • a deep understanding of themselves as counsellors.
  • developing theoretical knowledge in the discipline of counselling.
  • an understanding of the theories of ethical counselling.
  • an ability to utilise contemporary research in counselling practices.



Graduates will have:

  • well-developed counselling skills to work with clients of low to moderate needs. 
  • communication skills that build empathic relationships with clients. 
  • the ability to identify appropriate ways to support clients. 


Applications of Knowledge and Skills

Graduates will have the ability to: 

  • apply client spirituality into the counselling experience from an ethical perspective with a critical understanding of Christian worldviews. 
  • apply theological and professional reflection to their practice. 
  • apply professional practice in counselling with diverse people in a range of contexts.

Candidates may be granted credit up to a maximum of 36 credit points in the Associate Degree of Counselling.


Credit will be granted for units that are from an equivalent award or institution and have outcomes, content, demand hours, and assessment equivalent to that of units in the Associate Degree of Counselling.


Progress to Further Awards

Students who complete the Associate Degree of Counselling may articulate into the Bachelor of Counselling of the Sydney College of Divinity and receive 144 credit points towards the completion of the award.


All units satisfactorily completed in the Associate Degree of Counselling may be credited towards an SCD Bachelor of Counselling award, on condition that a completed Associate Degree of Counselling will be surrendered prior to graduation in that award. 

The Associate Degree of Counselling is offered through the individual colleges and an application for admission must be made to the Registrar of the teaching institution. Not all majors and sub-majors are available at all Teaching Bodies. However, students may be able to complete a desired major or sub-major by completing units offered at another Teaching Body.


A domestic student at Sydney College of Divinity is designated as full-time if enrolled in three units (27 credit points) or more in a semester or part-time if enrolled in less than three units (27 credit points) per semester. SCD offers a wide range of units and students have the option to study one or more units across the colleges delivering SCD awards, whilst enrolled with one college.


International students

International students are subject to the conditions of their Australian student visa and are required to maintain a full-time enrolment of four units (36 credit points) per semester. If you are planning to enrol as an international student, you have the responsibility to ensure that you comply with your visa conditions at all times. Learn more about your responsibilities, rights, and what studying in Australia can offer you. Not all our teaching institutions offer study programs for international students.


Check out the locations and courses offered to international students, and for more information email us at