Edwina Blair
Academic Quality Manager and Associate Lecturer in Biblical Studies, Australian College of Ministries (ACOM)
BAppSc Nuc. Med. (USYD), Grad Dip AppSc. Nuc. Med (UON), BTh (SCD), MTh (SCD), Grad Cert. Theo Ed (SCD), PhD Candidate (SCD).
Edwina Blair has been on staff at the Australian College of Ministries (ACOM) for over 15 years. She is currently the Academic Quality Manager and an Associate Lecturer in Biblical Studies, specialising in the Hebrew Bible. She is also the Director of the ACOM Holy Land Program that has seen over 100 students and friends of ACOM visit Israel and Jordan since 2014.Edwina has published two chapters in Testing US, testing God: Assessment and Theological Competency (SCD Press: 2023) and was one on the editors of Embracing Life and Gathering Wisdom: Theological, Pastoral and Clinical Insights into Human Flourishing at the End of Life (SCD Press, 2020).
Edwina is a PhD Candidate through SCD Graduate Research School. Her research is focused on anthropomorphism in the Hebrew Bible and its intersection with the senses. Other research interests include learning and teaching, specifically in the area of student feedback, curriculum development and online learning of Hebrew. Edwina is an endorsed Minister in NSW Churches of Christ and is the Chairperson of the SCD Library Committee. She is also a Fellow of the Institute for the Study of Christianity in an Age of Science and Technology (ISCAST).