Journal of Gospels and Acts Research

Journal of Gospels and Acts Research

The Journal of Gospels and Acts Research (JGAR) was established by the SCD Centre for Gospels and Acts Research in 2017.  It is an international peer-reviewed journal published once a year by the SCD Press.

JGAR welcomes proposals for articles on the Gospels and Acts, and related areas, to be considered for publication. Please send proposals to the Executive Editor: [email protected]

JGAR welcomes publishers to send books relevant to the interests of the journal (ie. research pertaining to the study of the Gospels and Acts) to be considered for review. Suitably qualified individuals (including postgraduate researchers) are also invited to volunteer to review. In both instances, please contact the Book Review Editor: [email protected]

Volumes of JGAR are available for purchase from the SCD Press Shop.

JGAR Executive Editor

Prof. Peter Bolt, Sydney College of Divinity, Australia

Book Review Editor

Dr David A. Evans, Queensland Theological College, Australia

JGAR Editorial Board
  • Prof. Peter Bolt (editor), Sydney College of Divinity, Macquarie Park NSW Australia
  • Prof. James Harrison, Sydney College of Divinity, Macquarie Park NSW Australia
  • Prof. Darrell Bock, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, USA
  • Assoc. Prof. Michele Connolly rsj, Catholic Institute of Sydney, Strathfield NSW Australia
  • Dr Peter Head, Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
  • Dr Willis (Bill) H. Salier, GAFCON Theological Education Network Consultant, based in Sydney NSW Australia
  • Dr Debra Snoddy, Catholic Institute of Sydney, Strathfield NSW Australia
  • Prof. Christoph Stenschke, Biblisch-Theologischen Akademie Wiedenest, Bergneustadt, Germany, and University of South Africa, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa



Information for Contributors

The Journal for Gospels and Acts Research is an international peer-reviewed journal published once a year. Special issues on a particular theme relating to the focus of the journal or invited collections, determined by the journal editors, will occasionally appear in addition to the annual volume. The editors welcome any contribution of Gospels and Acts research, exploring historical, archaeological, theological, exegetical, literary, sociological, feminist, or text-critical approaches, among other methodologies relevant to the discipline. Articles submitted must be characterised by fresh critical insights and make a contribution to academic research on the Gospels and Acts with an international scholarly audience in mind.

Preparing the Manuscript for Submission

Preparing the Manuscript for Submission

In preparing your submission, the following conventions should be followed:



In the case of the citation of classical, biblical, and Jewish authors, abbreviations conform to SBL conventions and The Oxford Classical Dictionary whereas abbreviations for periodicals, reference works, and serials follow SBL conventions and L’Année Philologique.


House Style

In terms of the style presentation of the manuscript, see the SCD Press House Style Instructions.



Manuscripts should be submitted in Calibri 11 point font. Where Greek or Hebrew is cited in the text, Unicode fonts must be used.


Figures, tables and photos

For reproduction, these should be submitted in suitable camera-ready format.



The front page of the manuscript should detail (a) the author’s email, (b) institutional affiliation, (c) postal and email address, and (d) the title of article. The ensuing text of the article should have the title and a 100 to 150 words abstract at the beginning, without any mention of the author’s name or affiliation, so that blind review of the manuscript might be facilitated.



Articles of 8,000 to 10,000 maximum in length are invited for consideration by the editors. Where the quality and scholarly importance of the topic warrants, the editors may occasionally decide to accept longer manuscripts. However, these are subject to (a) the endorsement of the editorial board, (b) negotiation with the author regarding the final word length, and are (c) dependent upon favourable reports from the blind peer review process.


Thesis summaries

Summaries of new doctoral theses from researchers on the Gospels or Acts are also solicited. The length of the thesis summary should be 4,000 words maximum. The institution awarding the doctorate and the date of its acceptance should be clearly indicated.


Critical notes

Critical notes on any aspect of Gospels or Acts research may also be submitted. These critical explorations focus in depth upon a subject of scholarly investigation not easily expanded into a full article. The length of critical notes should be 4000 words maximum.


Book reviews

Book reviews on new publications in the Gospels and Acts research are invited. Reviews normally range from 500 to 1500 words maximum. Suggestions for books for review should be sent to the Editor beforehand at [email protected].

Submission of the manuscript in Microsoft Word should be emailed to Associate Professor Peter Bolt at [email protected]

After the manuscript has been initially appraised by the editorial team, it will be sent out for blind peer review by two internationally recognised experts on the Gospels and Acts. Upon the receipt of the reviews from the peer reviewers, the manuscript may be accepted subject to minor revisions, or the author invited to resubmit after the more substantive issues discerned by the reviewers have been addressed, or be rejected. The peer review process normally takes 3 to 6 months. If substantial editorial changes have been made, proofs will be sent to authors for final correction, though further major changes to the text cannot be accepted at this penultimate stage of publication.

In terms of its research on the Gospels and Acts, the manuscript should

  • provide critical and / or analytical insights that will further international research in Gospels and Acts, either by its originality of insight or by a valuable revision of established scholarly viewpoints;
  • substantiate its argument by an incisive analysis of the primary and secondary sources;
  • demonstrate a sound use of methodologies appropriate to the topic analysed;
  • be written coherently in a succinct, persuasive, and well-supported manner;
  • be accurate in use of the conventions and house style enunciated above;
  • meet the expectations of courteous and engaging debate required in international scholarship.

Upon publication of the volume, authors will be given a complimentary hard copy of the journal and an electronic copy of the manuscript. The latter may be placed on institutional websites if permission is sought from the editors beforehand. Articles may also be re-used in future book publications with due acknowledgement of the original publication, if copyright clearance is sought from the editors. Any further enquiries in regard to publication to [email protected]

The journal is indexed in New Testament Abstracts and provided to online booksellers through the usual databases.

The copyright for everything published in the journal is held by SCD Press.